Sunday, April 14, 2013

What Was I Thinking???

We have 9 chicks that are in our basement in a home made brooder/cage.  They can go outside now since they are a month old (March 11th birthday for the oldest) but they would still need some heat sources.  The problem is that my new coop isn't finished so I can't move the adult birds to the new coop to free up the smaller coop for the chicks.

Meanwhile, my students have hatched 12 chicks that they want me to take sometime after Monday.  I think they're still trying to convince their parents to keep them as long as possible and I did say they could keep them for a few weeks before they'd need a coop or start being a size the neighbors might notice.

So you would think that I was done with chicks.

I did.

I went to my first chicken swap event yesterday with clear expectations that I would only buy adult hens of certain breeds.

And I bought five buff orpington chicks.

They were just so darn cute and the woman selling them was teaching me about how to feather sex chicks and about breeding birds that are related.

So I have five chicks in my kitchen.

The good news is that they chicks are the same age as my students' chicks so I will be able to put them together.

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