Showing posts with label Buff Orpington. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Buff Orpington. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2018

Our Flock

Perhaps we should have broken down our flock sooner.

We have :
three Australorp - one of them is a rooster that's been nice so far (all black)
three Barred Rock - one of them is a rooster that's not very nice (black and white ones)
three Buff Orpingtons - one seems a little "special" (beige/tan ones)
two Silver Laced Wyandottes (black and white ones)
one Gold Laced Wyandottes (black and tan/gold)
two Rhode Island Reds (dark brown)
two ISA brown (lighter brown)

From left:  Australorp, Buff Orp, Silver Laced x 2, Rhode Island/Australorp/Buff together, Barred Rock x2, Rhode Island

From left: Rhode Island, ISA Brown, Buff Orp, Silver Laced, Australorp rooster

In the coop from left: ISA Brown, Silver Laced, Buff Orp from behind, Australorp, Barred Rocks, Rhode Island in the dark shadow

Barred Rock in front, Buff Orpingtons giving you "the eye", and an ISA brown behind her.  The two black ones are Australorps

Sunday, April 6, 2014

A chick with extra toes??

Our last batch of chicks is now two months old and is finally getting some more regular time outside in a chicken run.

The Polish with a mohawk

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Buffy's in Solitary Confinement

Buffy has been molting and looking pretty ragged.  She's even lost quite a bit of weight and has me a little worried.

I've read that giving a molting chicken more protein is important and I know that they can get picked on more by the other chickens because the new feathers is something interesting to pick at.  So I decided to put her in a crate inside the coop for a few days.  Each morning I made her some scrambled eggs and we mixed in some dried meal worms. 

I'm sure she wasn't happy to be alone in there, but I think it was good for her to have some solitude.  

Several days later she still looks ragged, but I can see the new feathers growing in so I let her out to free range for a bit.  Her ragged look was only more obvious to me then, next to the healthy looking birds.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Everything is growing

The guinea keets are almost adults now.  They aren't quite the same size as the two guinea that we had left, but they are definitely getting there.

Carrie is as prissy as ever.

And the pure bred Buff Orpington roosters are gorgeous.

Just a few little picture updates.