Sunday, December 30, 2012

"Chicken" Pox

Our birds have chicken pox.  It is actually called "fowl pox" and is not the same thing as chicken pox.

Avian pox is a relatively slow-spreading viral disease in birds... Mortality is not usually significant unless the respiratory involvement is marked.....Fowl pox can be transmitted by direct or indirect contact... After the infection is introduced, it spreads within the flock by mosquitoes as well as direct and indirect contact. Recovered birds do not remain carriers. 
Since fowl pox usually spreads slowly, a flock may be affected for several months. The course of the disease in the individual bird takes three to five weeks. Laying birds experience a drop in egg production. Birds of all ages that have oral or respiratory system involvement have difficulty eating and breathing. The disease manifests itself in one or two ways, cutaneous pox (dry form) or diphtheritic pox (wet form).
 Dry pox starts as small whitish foci that develop into wart-like nodules.
Wet pox is associated with the oral cavity and the upper respiratory tract, particularly the larynx and trachea. 

There is no treatment for fowl pox. 
Here is the evidence for our birds:

The tiny little black dots on their combs, wattles, and earlobes are signs of fowl pox.  The good news (so far) is that the form they have is not deadly.  The bad news is that it will take 3-4 weeks to clear up and it will spread to all of the birds.  So it looks like we will be seeing this through the winter.

There is a vaccine, however it doesn't work once they have the pox.  I also don't know if any of the birds have already been vaccinated for it since we got them all once they were a couple months old.  At this point I am just keeping an eye on them to make sure it doesn't turn into the respiratory version that can be deadly and watching which birds show signs of it.  We have 3 or 4 that have had it for a couple weeks now.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Friendly Little Flock

We went for a hike in the woods around our house and when we came home the birds were waiting for us....

So, I pulled out treats for them.

So I fed them.   They've already become a lot more friendly on their own, but I am forcing them to be even more comfortable around people... by bribing them with treats on our laps or in our hands.

That's Buffy, my favorite.  I'm determined to make her the friendliest.

That's Clyde, who has no shame and will always get what he wants.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Just a Little Landscaping

Last year I built 3 raised flower beds in an attempt to hide the foundation of the house and to add color to the front of the house.

The chickens like to use this one for a dirt bath and bed.

We have a big hill in the goat pen.  It's a mix of dirt, rocks, and trash.  Yes, the original owner dumped trash on the property and then they buried this pile.  We've uncovered pieces of a swing set, an oven, and a car so far.  

When we were putting the new goat house into the pen I decided to get some of the rocks and boulders out then, so I wouldn't have to move them around the goat house later.  I knew I wanted to use them to build another raised bed for a strawberry patch.

This is most of the pile of boulders and rocks that I pulled out.
 A few days later I carried and rolled them over to the side of the house.

I've been putting them together like a puzzle, trying to make them fit well enough that they won't fall apart once I fill the area with dirt.  Last year I had a cheap white wire fence and I had planted some bulbs in the ground and in pots.

The pots are still there

I need to get the last few boulders moved over, they are pretty darn heavy and I'm working alone so I'm not moving them as quickly as I'd like.  Hopefully I will get that done before school starts up again, then I need to dig out the bulbs from last year to transplant them before I fill in the bed with dirt.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

I'm Just a Girl With a Chainsaw

Nothing seems to be a better distraction for me than revving up the chainsaw and getting some work done.  

Last year a tree that was leaning towards the house slowly leaned further and further.  Eventually it landed on the roof.  It had been held up by grape vines and over time they just loosened.  I got onto the roof and cut the end of the tree off while two people stood on the ground with a rope around the tree pulling it so that it would fall away from the house.

Once it was down I was able to cut it up more.  Unfortunately, the pictures I had of this feat have disappeared.
This is the area where the tree was.  The shed is long gone, but the tree was just to the left of it.
I finally got outside last week and chopped down another tree that had been bent under the weight of the fallen tree and then chopped up all of the trunks and branches into bonfire sized pieces.

The tree I chopped down now because it was ruined by the fallen tree

Crazy vines hanging from trees and holding everything up

Our wood pile
I'm not sure if it is just knowing that I am able to accomplish these "man" tasks... Or the power behind the machine... Or the fact that while it is running I can't hear anyone yelling "Mom!!!!  He touched me!!!  He looked at me!!!  Mom!!!!" so it's a nice break :)

In any case, I love any chance I get to use the chainsaw.

Watch out for falling branches (that your mother sets on top of you for good pictures)

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Holidays

Santa (or HanuKlaus) brought the animals gifts...

It only took her a day to tear this apart and leave stuffing in every room of the house

She is tearing apart a reindeer stuffed animal
There is a small bone on the carpet, blends in a bit

And for the chickens....

Yes, it says Chicken Crack

And the chickens will love these

 I actually opened the window and threw out a couple handfuls of the mealworm to them...

The goats got new collars.  They each say:
(phone number)

Not a very good picture, my renter posted it on her FB page and I just took it from her

Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Discovery

This is a follow up to a post a week or so ago about the teenager sneaking off.

Mr. Sam was yelling to me from his yard.  I headed over there and he walked me over to a pile of dead tree branches and pointed.  This is what I saw.

Then I leaned in closer...

Buffy is a little booger.  There were 7 eggs in that pile.  I collected them all and brought them home.  

We haven't caught her sneaking over there anymore, but I will need to go check if there are any more eggs there.  She may have snuck over without being caught.

Friday, December 14, 2012

It's like having a teenage girl

This is my favorite bird...

We eat the Dronet Secret Family Recipe of Sweet Potatoes Too!!!

Buffy is a Buff Orpington.  She was one of the purebred birds we bought from the fair.  She was the first girl to eat out of my hand and she's always been the first one to run over to me when she sees me.

The birds always stick together - either as one big group or split into 2 or 3 groups, but I've never caught one alone.

Until last weekend.  Buffy was 50 feet away from me and then suddenly she was gone.  Because of the fox issues, I was scared.  I searched for 20 minutes and couldn't find any sign of her.  I finally came inside and tried looking up information online.  I kept thinking that something must have snatched her up, but why didn't it or she make any noise???

I told the kids and Jennifer what happen and we went back outside to search for her.  About twenty minutes into this search Johnathon yelled that he saw her coming out of the trees from the direction of our one neighbor's place.  Sure enough she came skipping out of the trees, alone, and unharmed.

I gave her a stern talk (no really I did) and wanted to just grab her and hug her, but birds don't let you do that.

Today I went out to give the birds some treats and realized that I hadn't seen her.  I counted the birds and there were a couple missing so I thought they must be in the coop laying eggs or around the corner in the dirt.  Awhile later I still didn't see them all so I went looking and found two, but was still missing Buff.

This time I just headed straight through the trees to the neighbor's place calling her.  Sure enough I was almost to the opening of the trees at his yard and she was coming towards me.

There is about 400 feet from his house to mine - so about 200-300 feet of trees and brush - it's not thick, especially with all the leaves being off trees and bushes.

I have no idea what she is doing.  I am wondering if she's going over there to lay eggs, but I'm not sure how or why she found a spot over there.  All I keep thinking is "it's like she sneaking off to see her secret boyfriend, like a teenager!" and I get upset with her :)

I looked around, but only for a second because I didn't want the neighbor to come out with a shot gun or just think I was crazy.   I figured I'd take some fresh eggs over tomorrow and ask if I could look around (after explaining why).  

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Giving the goats something more

When I picked up all of those shipping crates I knew that I would make the goats an additional shelter.  I started building this towards the end of the coop project.

I've gotten much better at certain things so this was much faster.  I added the roof by using a piece off of another crate and reinforced the corners of the crate with 2 x 4s that would angle and support a roof.

I cut two different size doorways for a reason.  I was trying to give them more shelter from the wind and cold air and a small part of me hoped that the little ones would use the little door and the big one wouldn't be able to.

Kelly was already checking it out

I sealed the outside and the roof with wood sealer and I still want to add another piece of wood across the top of the doorways but I went back to working on the coop after I took these pictures.

The next day I put a piece of wood over the top half of the entry.  I decided (so far) not to cut the doors larger because the two smaller goats were able to get inside.  I'll wait to see if Jenny goes in later today.

Building another coop

Decided to put together information about how our chicken coop was built.  Our first one was made from the same material but was built the original way - horizontally.  I decided to make this one vertical for a variety of reasons.

First I found these huge shipping crates on Craigslist for $10 months ago.  When we went last time we could only fit one in the truck that I was using.

I found the man's phone number and called him asking if I could come buy some more from him and he agreed.  They were about an hour away

We were able to fit three of the large crates (they are over 6 feet long, 3 feet and 4 feet tall) on the trailer that I rented.  Then we fit a 3 foot by 3 foot crate at the back inside the last big one.  We also had some extra pieces of wood tucked in on the other side.  

This was the future coop.  By this point I'd removed the huge blocks of wood off the bottom by simply removing the entire bottom of the crate.  I installed some thick pieces of wood on the new bottom with wheels so I can move it into the goat pen easier and then flipped it up horizontally.

Got a new side put on where the former bottom was (took this off one of the other crates.)  And I painted it with wood sealer so that it can withstand the weather.

I added the nesting boxes that I made out of 3 gallon buckets from a dollar store and scrap pieces of wood. And I added three roosting bars.  I am worried about the top row of birds pooping down onto the lower birds so I may add a "poop bar" later.  A poop bar is a piece of wood that I would put under the roosting bar to catch the poop.  If I use linoleum or metal on it then it's easier to clean.

I sealed the floor but I am hoping to raise the floor a few inches.  Either by making the "floor" that they walk on be fencing so everything falls through and I just have to clean out the very bottom, or by actually making the floor higher and thicker than it currently is.

What's For Breakfast?

Collected all of these from the coop this morning....

Made these for breakfast....

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Good Morning

Took these pictures last week when I went out to the coop.  

Yes those are Christmas lights in the coop.  

Yes the birds are a bit crowded so the new coop is going in today.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

You want me to do WHAT?

The goats never got better after the last vet visit so they had to come out again.

The vet said that they needed a series of three shots - EACH.  They said they could come back each time and I would pay for it, or they could leave the shots with me.

They showed me how to give the shots and then left on their merry way.

I'm suppose to do this?!

That needle is HUGE!

I can't even hear stories about a paper cut!  I nearly pass out every time I donate blood!  I can't even look at a tooth that's fallen out!

Today was the second shot.  It took us a few minutes to catch the goats and then Jennifer helped to hold their heads still while I grabbed on to their skin and gave them the shot.

It was horrible.  I started feeling queasy and wasn't even sure if I could do them all.

Carrie was the last one and she's never tried so hard to get away from me before we even gave her the shot. After the shot she wouldn't even come near me.  It broke my heart.

There is no way that I can give the third shot to them.  I need to find someone else to come out and do this.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Down one rooster

Rooster (really, that's his name) has been getting more aggressive.  Based on everything I've read and been told, you simply can't have an aggressive rooster.  And by aggressive I mean that he is going after people.  Roosters can claw out eyes, rip open skin, and do some serious damage.

He went after me once a few weeks ago and I used the old-school method of chasing him right back until he backed down, and then chased him for a few minutes to embarass him in front of his girls.  He's left me alone ever since.

He's gone after Jeremiah but Jeremiah was too scared to chase him down and put Rooster in his place.

And then, this last week, Rooster went after me again.  He would not back down.  For a good 60 seconds I was swinging a stick at him and even kicking out at him trying to get him to just back away and stop trying to attack me, but he would not back down.  I finally got him to stop going after me and I chased him a bit to make my point.

Five minutes later, he was after me again.  I actually made contact kicking him (not hard, but enough to scare him and to try to protect myself) and he still wasn't backing down.  He actually went through my shoe and hit my foot with his beak at one point.

Rooster has to go.  :(

I'm looking for someone to take him and I'm not sure if he will become a member of a flock or a piece in a chicken soup, but I don't want to know.  Roosters aren't usually wanted for anything more than meat unless they are pure bred roosters so I have a feeling that's where he will end up.  That is a part of life, I do eat meat, I just feel bad that I knew him and named him and that's where he might end up.  :(

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Most people just won't understand

Anytime the chickens see me come home or come outside they come running towards me.  No, they aren't interested in me touching them, they're only coming because they think I have treats, but it is still a great sight.  Most people just won't understand how peaceful it is to watch these girls (and the guys) peck away at the bugs, the grass, or the treats I'm sharing with them.

If I could just get myself to sit down and relax for awhile I could watch them for at least an hour and still be entertained.

What'd she toss in the compost this time?!

Pumpkin Pie!!!  Thanksgiving was good to us!

Buffy is getting some great pumpkin bread

Clyde and Silkie Sue are going for the bread rolls

Thursday, November 22, 2012

I cook too

A couple years ago I went on a cooking binge... I made a blog then but didn't share it with anyone.  The point wasn't really to blog and have people "follow" me, I did it simply so that I could look back at the pictures and recipes later and re-cook the things I liked.

In any case, I am trying to add more recipes to it and decided to share it....
Leanne is Cooking

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

We lost three guinea

Saturday night Johnathon was told to put the guinea and chickens in.  He went out for a minute or two and came back saying he "couldn't get them".  The guinea have been on top of the chicken run and on a high tree branch many times and he's always been able to get them in.

The next morning when I went out to let the birds out and feed everyone I saw a pile of feathers in the middle of the yard and only four guinea in the chicken run.  I searched everywhere for the three missing birds but only found three big piles of feathers and a piece of a wing.

The evidence points to a fox getting them sometime in the very early morning.  They must have come down from the tree or the chicken run and come out of the goat pen where the fox attacked.  I kept wondering why they didn't run or fly back into the goat pen where the predators won't go.  I kept wondering why I didn't go out the night before to make sure the birds were put in properly.  I kept wondering if Johnathon would finally learn a lesson about doing something correctly and completely.

I know this is part of living this life.  Death to our outdoor animals from wild animals is inevitable at some point, but it's still a cruddy feeling.

The things a crazy chicken lady will do

Crazy thing I did #1:  We have a big metal rooster next to our mailbox to help people identify our driveway.  Idea came from this blog about a big metal rooster.

Yes, people pull their cars over and take pictures of him.

A little kiss the day we brought him home :)

Crazy thing I did #2: I decided, after a year of him being out there, that he needed something more.... and so he will be decorated for various holidays starting with Christmas 2012.

Getting into the Christmas spirit