Monday, August 20, 2012

The flock is complete

Saturday night we picked up three birds from the fair to finish out our bird family.

A Buff Orpington - known for being calm and friendly birds and they lay large brown eggs 3 times a week.
An Ameraucana - known for laying medium size blue eggs 3 times a week.  This bird was a CHAMPION at the fair and I have a picture of her ribbon to prove it :)

And a Black Australorp - known for being friendly, peaceful, and dignified.  They lay large brown eggs 5 times a week.

We will start to name all of the birds now that we have our flock.  

Here are the birds that we already had:
(breeds are unknown since some are mixed - but will be determined soon)

The hens (4 in all):

The rooster:

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