Sunday, August 26, 2012

Another guinea is down

Today was a day of rain and thunderstorms.  They were pretty crazy, but it came in spurts.

In the morning, I looked out the window and saw six guinea.


We have seven.

Guinea travel in packs and when they're separated they go crazy trying to get back to each other.

Johnathon went outside and walked through the woods on both sides of the house towards the neighbors' properties and behind the house where the goats are.  I figured a wild animal or the neighbor's dog must have gotten the bird, but he couldn't find any sign of the bird.

Four hours later we got in the car and headed down the driveway, but stopped half way there because the guinea were all about 50 feet from the main road.  Normally the cars driving past us on the road will scare the guinea back up towards the house, but I knew if I drove towards them, they'd probably go out to the road.  So Johnathon and I got out of the car to walk towards them and then herd them back up towards the house.

It was as we were getting out of the car that I realized there were seven guinea again.  I was relieved that nothing had happen to the seventh bird, until I realized that he was hopping around on one foot.  It took awhile, but we eventually caught him and carried him up to the kennel.  We couldn't see what was wrong with his leg, it didn't feel broken, but he definitely wasn't using it and didn't want us touching it.

We put him in the chicken run with the chickens, but the rooster immediately pecked at him.  We herded all of the chickens into the coop and closed them in and then left the guinea in the chicken run by himself before we left.

Tomorrow, we will have to investigate what's wrong and try to find out how to fix it...

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