Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How to fix a guinea

Yesterday we caught the guinea, which has become hard.  They are definitely strong birds and with toe nails as long and sharp as his, we don't really want to get close to him.

Every day we've had to let the free-range chickens out of the coop and chicken run and then let the new chickens and the injured guinea out of the coop, but only into the chicken run.  At night we put them all back into the coop and leave the guinea in the chicken run so that no one pecks at him.

We could tell that his hurt leg was incredibly swollen and it also now has a greenish bump on it.  It still doesn't feel broken, at least not a major break, but we can't figure out what is wrong.

On the way home today we stopped off at the feed store and picked up some anti-bacterial wound cleaner for animals, some medicated feed with antibiotics in it, and some electrolytes for the water.  We put the new chickens in the coop so he would have the chicken run to himself and then treated the bird with the wound spray and left the food and water out for him.

We didn't see him drink the water or eat any of the special feed, but hopefully things will improve soon.

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