Friday, June 14, 2013

There's nothing wrong with giving a chicken a bath

Big Red is still holding up.  She seems more swollen, but each night I watch her going to eat and she manages to get out of the coop every day.  Thursday night when we went to go lock the birds up, my heart ached for her.  There, standing at the door, was Big Red.  She couldn't get up the ramp into the chicken door because the goats broke it and it's too steep for her now, so she was just standing there at my door.  I don't know if she was waiting for me to come let her in, or just standing there because she didn't know what else to do.

This afternoon she was standing in the goat pen for awhile before I scooped her up and brought her in the house for a warm bath.

After soaking in the warm water in the sink for twenty minutes, I bundled her up to dry and went back outside.

She hates me now, I'm sure of it.

I did get some pictures of her bloated belly...

I keep thinking that I am going to have to have a vet put her down, but I haven't found a bird vet around here and I keep trying to convince myself she will be fine.  I know that's not true, her belly is so large that it's usually resting on the ground and she has a red area that's rubbed raw now.

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