Thursday, June 20, 2013

The garden is looking good, but not good enough

We spent several hours in the garden today.  I was weeding all over the place and then the oldest son was helping to bring wheelbarrows full of the new soil into the garden for a few projects.  It isn't done but he promised to help tomorrow if we quit at about 2 today.  :)

We've gotten lettuce from the garden, but nothing else.  Everything is growing, but not fast enough for me.

Tomato plants from seeds on the left, broccoli and cauliflower down the middle, calendula in the back of the row
Calendula - flowers that will be fed to the chickens if they ever grow

More tomatoes, some from plants

One of two bell peppers, at least I see something growing

A sign of good things to come
Onions and Garlic
The cabbage is not looking good

Green beans, there are a few there to pick, but only a couple

Two types of leaf lettuce (right before he started cutting for dinner)

Sunflowers (minus the two the goats ate) :/

Carrots and parsnips


Six potato cages

Another view of how tall they are

Pumpkin plants in the front with the new soil around them

Watermelon plants, not doing very well


Brussels sprouts that the goats got to :(

Sweet potatoes

The herbs




I never got around to planting more herbs in the ground, but I'm hoping I can still get some seeds out and still be able to harvest it because these pots didn't do as well as I had hoped.

There is still a good size area that needs to be weeded, mixed with the new soil, and then planted once I figure out what can be planted now and harvested in times.  Worst case scenario, I will do more potatoes.

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