Monday, May 20, 2013

Good Night

Since the youngest chicks needed the smaller coop, the bigger chicks needed to move in and share the large coop with the big boys and girls.  They weren't too happy and were actually huddled up by the smaller coop door when I went out there last night. 

I had to catch each chick and put it into the big coop, and by the time I would get the next chick and come back, the first one would have already come out of the coop.  I finally got all nine of them inside and then I went in to help them settle in.

This guy was the first one to jump up on to the roost with the big girls and Clyde.

Some others decided to stick together around the nesting boxes.

 Australorp wasn't happy sharing and actually started pecking at the girls next to her.  I decided to help some of them out and I picked them up and put them on the roosting bars.

A few were brave on their own and jumped up to the roosting bars.  Clyde wasn't thrilled.

Meanwhile the goats were all tucked away and ready to go to sleep.

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