Sunday, May 19, 2013

Another illness?

The other day I noticed that Mary Anne's feet and legs looked strange. It was as if they had warts.

I did a little research and found out she has scaly legs.  These are actually mites that dig into the legs and lift the scales of their skin up.  It can cause serious injuries and even kill the birds if it gets bad enough.  

The best solutions that I read were to wash and clean their legs with a tooth brush scrubbing between the scales and then to put on various treatments.  Some of the treatments were easy, like Vasoline.  I purchased a spray that said it would help and got to work.

I cleaned each and every chicken.  I did see some signs of possible scaly leg on a few other birds.

And then I even saw lice on one of them.

 I had gotten rid of the lice a few months ago, it was an quick and easy fix.  However, since we feed the wild birds with our bird feeders, my chickens are bound to get lice again (and again and again) since the wild birds will continuously bring it back.  Luckily, I have the supplies on hand to clear up lice and so I treated each of the birds for lice as I was cleaning their feet.

Another pair of clean feet with signs of scaly leg.

They were not very happy to have me holding them down and doing this.

Mary Anne's legs were definitely the worst.  After I cleaned them, it was even more clear how bad things were so I decided that I would buy some cream I read about and re-treat them on Monday after work.

I've heard stories about birds falling asleep while being held.  I wasn't so lucky, but Mary Anne did close her eyes when I'd touch her beak.

Monday, May 13, 2013

A Clean Coop makes for Happy (Egg-Laying) Chickens

I finally got the coop cleaned out and the improvements made.  

I raised one roosting bar and added a third.  This way they aren't pooping on the backs of the birds beneath them.  I still need to add poop boards (boards that catch the mess).


And I bought these shelf thingys and added the front boards to create an edge for the eggs to not fall out.  I need to add a piece of plywood at the top to create an angled roof so the birds won't sit on top (like that one.)

There is even space for me to put the chicken feed can!  This means I have more space in the  mud room!  

And this must be great news for the birds because look what they finally left for me

Pretty Eggs
 While there are NINE eggs, I have to admit that one is from yesterday afternoon and two are guinea eggs.  But still this is the first time they've laid six eggs since the new coop was built.

And check out those colors!

Just in case you missed it, look at the funny shape to the one on the left

One step forward

Between work that I got done yesterday and then work that I got done today after working all day, I'm getting closer to feeling like the garden looks good.  Looking good means I'm a little closer to having it actually produce this summer.

I spent about 40 minutes fixing the fence to keep the chickens out.  I pinned down the bottom all the way around since they were finding spots to sneak under it.  In the three hours of free range time today, not one got in.

I added a wire fence to the back of the garden where the berry bushes are

Added a wire fence along the row for the green beans to grow on

Put all the tomato stands in

And made four more potato piles although you can't see very well in this picture

Two Girls?!

I knew I had one female guinea because every time she was locked in the coop with the chickens, she laid an egg.  Meanwhile in the other coop where the two "male" guinea were, there was never an egg.

Well today, I found two guinea eggs!

The one on the right has different coloring so I think it's from a different bird.  If they looked the same I would think that one was laid yesterday and I just missed it.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

She is nuts

First, I turned around this afternoon and saw Carrie doing this...

Then, I went outside late in the afternoon and saw her doing this...

 The thing she is standing on is just a piece of metal fencing that we barely attached in the chicken run for the birds to perch on.

 And so it soon broke under her weight...

 And she was stuck for a minute

But not too long...

And then she was back up and trying again....

Their first taste of freedom

I decided today was a good day to let the first batch of chicks taste freedom.

I opened the door.

And then waited.

And waited.

And waited.
 And FINALLY we had a brave bird that went into the coop and as he/she stood on the edge, an adult chicken came behind her.
 She jumped out of peer pressure, I'm sure of it.
Not too graceful

Walk it off like a pro
She was out of the coop alone for about twenty minutes before I gave up and went inside the house.   About thirty minutes later I went back outside and found another bird had tasted freedom.

 I figured maybe they would come out if they could come out through the coop so I propped an old ramp up to the door and immediately someone poked out to see the world.

And the rest followed.

All nine are walking around testing their freedom and and adult birds are doing fine with them, except for Silkie Sue who tends to attack every once in awhile.  :/

One step closer to my homestead

The garden is showing some hope and we got more things in the ground this weekend.  My fingers are crossed that things continue to grow and that we will get a lot of fresh produce throughout the summer and fall.







Green Beans





Garden beans (yellow beans)

Purple potatoes (really!)

Gold potatoes

Rasberry bush

Future site of watermelons and pumpkins

Sweet potatoes

Brussel Sprouts


Zucchini and Cucumber