I shared with some people that I wish I could get some more hatching eggs, and a fellow chicken farmer offered to give me some eggs just so she could test the fertility of them.
We already have too many birds, I know this, but it's addicting, and with our recent loss to the foxes (two this week), I think I just want to be safe and have birds laying like crazy this spring and summer.
So I accepted. We met up today and she gave me 18 eggs.
They are pure bred Dominiques, pure-bred Buff Orpingtons (we actually bought a few chicks from her last year and the three that survived the foxes are gorgeous), a pure-bred leghorn, and two pure-bred Polish eggs. I'm not a fan of the Polish birds because they look funny, but I know it wouldn't be hard to find someone to take them if they hatch.
I decided to throw all of my green eggs that we got from the coop today (and three that we got in the last few days and have been sitting on the counter) into the incubator as well, in the hopes that maybe the chicks would grow up to lay olive eggs, which are pretty popular among the chicken crowds.
That's 10 of our eggs plus 18 of hers, which makes for a very full incubator. I'll candle them in a few days to see if there are signs of life. This is so exciting. :)