Sunday, April 28, 2013

4 hours in the garden

I'm a week behind on my garden, and since most of the plants I started inside have died, that means I'm even more behind than that.

Today I finally got outside, put the screen netting up to keep the chickens out of the garden, and then got four rows planted.

I got two rows of tomato plants, a row of broccoli and cauliflower (20 plants each) and calendulas (flowers for the chickens), and a row of onions (all kinds.)  There is still some space at the end of the rows to add a few more plants.

I also got all of the herbs planted in my stacked pots.

Today I will get back out there to plant more herbs in the garden as well as all of the other veggies, sunflowers, etc.  I also plan to build the potato cages and get those going.  Hopefully I'm not too far behind and I will still have the ridiculously insane amounts of produce that I was planning to have.

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