Saturday, March 21, 2015

An Unfortunate Accident

Thursday evening, our renter accidentally left the door open when he took out the trash.  Cash and Paisley were in my room with me but then Cash walked out.  He must have seen the door open and decided to go explore because the next thing we heard was yelling, tire screeching and a honk honking.

The oldest and I took off running through the house, my initial thought was that there was a fox outside, but when we heard the car noises I realized Cash was missing.  When we got outside, the oldest reached Cash before me and yelled out that he'd been hit.  He had a big gash on his hind leg, was obviously in a lot of pain and limping and very scared.  I scooped him up in my arms and ran to the car with him.

The oldest got in back with him, I grabbed our phones from the house and we left for the closest vet, barefoot.

The vet immediately took him in the back to get pain medication started, IV fluids, and Xrays.  After a bit of waiting they told us that they didn't see any damage to his bladder or the muscle above his diaphragm, but that bruising of the lung could show up the next day, and they saw a fracture in his femur.

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The hip on the right looks like the ball of the femer is broken

 They were closing at 8 and needed to stabilize him so we could transport him about 7 miles to the emergency vet so they told us we had time to run back home so I could put shoes on.

We got back a few minutes later and they carried him out to the car for us.  The ride to the vet was excruciating for him and he let us know by screaming out in pain for most of the trip.  It was heart breaking and The Oldest just sat next to him in the back seat, helpless.

The emergency vet provided more fluids and pain medication as soon as we arrived and said they wanted to do another xray to get a better view of what was broken.

They said he could need surgery to put a plate in where the break was, or am FHO surgery where they actually remove part of the bone.  Either way it was going to be very expensive and he would have to remain immobile for over a month which is nearly impossible since he's a puppy and we have Paisley at home.

We left him just before 11PM and drove home still processing what had happen.

The next morning, I called exactly when they had told me to, and the vet said he'd just met with the surgeon and after looking very closely at the X-rays, they didn't think he needed surgery!  He said they would keep him for the day to manage pain and continue fluids and we could pick him up at 6:15.

We showed up at exactly 6:15 and they sent us away because they weren't ready.  :)  We came back a little while later and the vet called me back to look at the X-ray again

He pointed out that the line going across the ball of the femur is actually a break in the pelvic bone.  That darker area comes out and you can see  how the pelvic bone is broken almost completely across on that side.

The good news is that Cash is alive and home, has a chance to fully recover, and has some medication to help him through that.  The bad new is that we have to keep him immobile for 4 weeks besides bathroom breaks, he's in incredible pain, Paisley is going nuts not understanding where he was and what's wrong with him now that he's home, and it's been a few very expensive days.

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