Monday, October 22, 2012

They're back

A couple days after we got the 5 guinea back (the second time) from the neighbors, I decided to try to let a couple birds out during the day.  They constantly try to stay together so I was hoping that the ones we let out wouldn't go far and I could let them back in at night. 

A few hours later they weren't anywhere to be seen.

A couple hours after that Johnathon came in saying there were FIVE birds outside the run.  Sure enough, the three "free" birds had disappeared and somehow found the 2 birds that had been missing for over a week. 

We got them all back in and we have had 7 guinea in the run ever since.

We have started letting some of them out each day.  I've found that as long as one bird is in the chicken run, the others will come back to the cage at night.

I only wish that I could tell which birds are let out each day so I can be sure they all get a chance.


  1. Yeay! Glad you got them back!

    Hey, I can't find your 'follow my blog button' can you add it in so I can follow you?

  2. I've never had anyone "follow" my blog before and haven't really kept up with a blog before - so I'm not even sure how to add the "follow" me button - I'll look for it and add it if I can find it :)
