Perhaps we should have broken down our flock sooner.
We have :
three Australorp - one of them is a rooster that's been nice so far (all black)
three Barred Rock - one of them is a rooster that's not very nice (black and white ones)
three Buff Orpingtons - one seems a little "special" (beige/tan ones)
two Silver Laced Wyandottes (black and white ones)
one Gold Laced Wyandottes (black and tan/gold)
two Rhode Island Reds (dark brown)
two ISA brown (lighter brown)
From left: Australorp, Buff Orp, Silver Laced x 2, Rhode Island/Australorp/Buff together, Barred Rock x2, Rhode Island |
From left: Rhode Island, ISA Brown, Buff Orp, Silver Laced, Australorp rooster |
In the coop from left: ISA Brown, Silver Laced, Buff Orp from behind, Australorp, Barred Rocks, Rhode Island in the dark shadow |
Barred Rock in front, Buff Orpingtons giving you "the eye", and an ISA brown behind her. The two black ones are Australorps |