We tried candeling again yesterday. Yesterday would have made the eggs 7-14 days old. I don't know when they were laid, only that I brought Silkie Sue into the house on the 23rd, so none of the eggs can be more recent than 7 days, and she wasn't broody before 14 days ago.
It would have made sense to take pictures yesterday when I had another pair of adult hands that could have helped. It really makes it easier to see inside the egg when TWO hands are around the flashlight and egg, but that wouldn't leave any hands for holding the camera, so this is the best I could do.
That dark black spot on the right side is something - I think it's the heart, and I know it's part of a baby chick |
That area on the left is an air sack inside the egg |
That dark mass is something growing and you can see an air sack on the right side of the egg |
This is the same egg, but the mass moved |
I can't see anything in this egg except for the air sac. That could mean it's completely full of a baby chick |
Next time I have an adult in the house when it's dark enough to candle eggs, I'll try to get better pictures.